¡Precio rebajado! 525 ZRE Chain And Sprocket Kit Regina /12300470/

525 ZRE Chain And Sprocket Kit Regina /12300470/




525 ZRE Chain And Sprocket Kit Regina /12300470/

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Antes: 178,49 €

Ahorras: -26,77 € (aprox. 15% desc.)

151,72 €

transporte gratuito 75
Plazo de entrega: AGOTADO

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525 ZRE Chain And Sprocket Kit Regina /12300470/

525 ZRE Chain And Sprocket Kit Regina /12300470/

525 ZRE Chain And Sprocket Kit Regina /12300470/
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525 ZRE Chain And Sprocket KitPremium manufacturer front sprocket, rear sprocket and a precut Regina chain make a convenient kit for the dealer or consumerSprockets are made of high-quality steel and have OEM gearing525 ZRE Drive ChainDesigned and developed to withstand the severe stresses caused by Off-Road riding, ZRE chains are intended for long distance Adventure use.The special Z-Ring allows extended lubrication intervals while delivering incredible durability levels.ZRE chains are assembled with high carbon alloy steel, solid bushings and rollers, shot-peened plates, pins and rollers to reach high fatigue limits.ZRE is the chain you can trust, the best choice for Adventure riding.
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