¡Precio rebajado! 530 ZRT Chain And Sprocket Kit Regina /12300453/

530 ZRT Chain And Sprocket Kit Regina /12300453/




530 ZRT Chain And Sprocket Kit Regina /12300453/

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Antes: 188,37 €

Ahorras: -28,26 € (aprox. 15% desc.)

160,11 €

transporte gratuito 75
Plazo de entrega: 3 A 7 DIAS LABORABLES

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530 ZRT Chain And Sprocket Kit Regina /12300453/

530 ZRT Chain And Sprocket Kit Regina /12300453/

530 ZRT Chain And Sprocket Kit Regina /12300453/
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530 ZRT Chain And Sprocket KitPremium manufacturer front sprocket, rear sprocket and a precut Regina chain make a convenient kit for the dealer or consumerSprockets are made of high-quality steel and have OEM gearing530 ZRT Drive ChainAimed at touring road use, these chains ensure high mileage with reduced elongation thanks to the sealAssembled with solid bushings and rollers, shot peening of plates, pins and rollers to increase fatigue resistanceSubmitted to performance-enhancing pre-stretching and available in several quality levels to ensure the right type of chain for every application
HONDA-VFR 750 F1991

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