Pushrod Tool for Harley-Davidson MOTION PRO /38010426/




Pushrod Tool for Harley-Davidson MOTION PRO /38010426/

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67,68 €

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Pushrod Tool for Harley-Davidson MOTION PRO /38010426/

Pushrod Tool for Harley-Davidson MOTION PRO /38010426/

Pushrod Tool for Harley-Davidson MOTION PRO /38010426/
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Pushrod Tool for Harley-DavidsonFlat portion of tool fits under the cylinder head while cupped end fits over the bell in the tube and then compresses the spring allowing for easy access to the spring cap retainerDesigned to remove and install the clip on Harley-Davidson collapsible push rod tubes on Twin Cam and earlier modelsNo more cut knuckles and scratched engine parts from using a screwdriver between the finsNew improved design with shoulder bolt pivot for smoothness and durability

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