¡Precio rebajado! Racing Foam Air Filter HIFLO FILTRO /10111263/

Racing Foam Air Filter HIFLO FILTRO /10111263/




Racing Foam Air Filter HIFLO FILTRO /10111263/

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Antes: 17,56 €

Ahorras: -1,76 € (aprox. 10% desc.)

15,80 €

Plazo de entrega: 3 A 7 DIAS LABORABLES

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Racing Foam Air Filter HIFLO FILTRO /10111263/

Racing Foam Air Filter HIFLO FILTRO /10111263/

Racing Foam Air Filter HIFLO FILTRO /10111263/
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Racing Foam Air FilterFeature two layers of special Hiflo foam, providing dual advantages of high air flow for top engine performance and maximum filtrationFilter can be used over and over again without any loss of performance
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