¡Precio rebajado! Racing Line Exhaust System AKRAPOVIC /18102410/

Racing Line Exhaust System AKRAPOVIC /18102410/




Racing Line Exhaust System AKRAPOVIC /18102410/

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Antes: 1.427,80 €

Ahorras: -214,17 € (aprox. 15% desc.)

1.213,63 €

transporte gratuito 75
Plazo de entrega: 3 A 7 DIAS LABORABLES

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Racing Line Exhaust System AKRAPOVIC /18102410/

Racing Line Exhaust System AKRAPOVIC /18102410/

Racing Line Exhaust System AKRAPOVIC /18102410/
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Cuota: 101,14 € / mes

TIN:0 % TAE:9.9 %

Importe total:1.274,31 €

Racing Line Exhaust SystemWhen the position of the exhaust system needs to be changed and the stock bracket is no longer usable, a carbon fiber bracket is includedOutlet cap, perforated inner sleeve and inlet cap are all made of titaniumJoint of the inlet cap is milled on a state-of-the-art CNC machine and connected by high-quality, silicon-shielded tempered springsIncludes a lightweight, compact and high-temperature-resistant carbon fiber muffler clampConical shaped and hydroformed header is made of stainless steel; crossover tubes may be installed on certain modelsLink pipe may be cylindrical and in some models made of titanium; type of construction is based on maximum increase in performance
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