¡Precio rebajado! Track Day Slip-On Line Muffler AKRAPOVIC /18114052/

Track Day Slip-On Line Muffler AKRAPOVIC /18114052/




Track Day Slip-On Line Muffler AKRAPOVIC /18114052/

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Antes: 961,04 €

Ahorras: -134,54 € (aprox. 14% desc.)

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Track Day Slip-On Line Muffler AKRAPOVIC /18114052/

Track Day Slip-On Line Muffler AKRAPOVIC /18114052/

Track Day Slip-On Line Muffler AKRAPOVIC /18114052/
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Cuota: 68,88 € / mes

TIN:0 % TAE:9.87 %

Importe total:867,83 €

Track Day Slip-On Line MufflerSpecially developed for use on racetracks where lower noise levels are requiredOptional headers available for some models to improve torque and power, especially from the mid-range upwardsPART #1811-4052 must be combined with either PART #1812-0325 link pipe for mounting on stock headers or PART #1812-0324 link pipe for mounting on the header set from the PART #1810-2344 Evolution Line kit. Evolution line PART #1810-2344 or Racing Line PART #1810-2758 (the collector and headers with associated fitting material (flanges, springs, inner sleeves and lambda plugs - please refer to schematics of the mentioned systems)).Fitting kit PART #1861-1254, including the muffler bracket and clamp, must be ordered and purchased separately to install PART #1811-4052.
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